品 名Poduct
花蜜柔敏按摩精 Necta Anti-sensitive Massage Essence
提炼多种进口草本植物成分,精选具备欧盟生产标准质感的植物精油,强效针对敏弱、干痒、脱皮肌肤起到镇定、修护、细胞再生、增加水分、强化免疫系统、修护受损细胞组织的作用。 Refine a vaiety of impoted hebs, caefully chosen the plant essential oils of EU poduction standad textue, potent fo sensitive, dy, peeling weak skin to calm, epai, cell egeneation, incease wate, stengthen the immune system, epai damaged tissue function.
针对肌肤缺水及敏感性肌肤使用。 Apply fo the dy, allegic skin.
主要成份 与 特殊功效 Main Ingedients and Special Functions
Convegence poes, anti iitant, educe skin iitation.
天竺葵(Rose Geanium)
Containing geaniol, citonellol, tepineol, cital etc. can be used in the teatment of fostbite and skin diseases. Suitable fo vaious skin conditions, because it can balance sebum secetion and make the skin plump. Cause the geanium can pomote blood ciculation, make pale skin become uddy vitality, stengthen the ciculatoy system, so that it can effectively epai and impove eczema, buns, acne, inflammation and fostbite.
从独特的薰衣草中萃取菁华,蕴含特殊的薰衣草能量及有效成分,含龙脑(Boneol)、牻牛儿醇 (Geaniol)、薰衣草醇(Lavandulol)、沉香醇(Linalool)等;对任何肌肤都有平衡皮脂分泌的作用,如:湿疹、干癣、疤痕均可。
Extact essence fom the unique Lavende, with special Lavende enegy and effective components. It contains boneol, geaniol, lavandulol, linalool etc. Has a balance sebum secetion effect to any skin, such as eczema, acne, scas.
甜杏仁油(Sweet Almond Oil)
3、由杏树果实压榨而得,对面疱皮肤有调理作用,对富贵手的敏感性皮肤也有保护功效。 4、它的滋润、软化肤质功能良好,适合做全身按摩用。
1 Light yellow colo, smell fesh, with lubication textue but vey efeshing, non-geasy neutal base oil, is one of the most widely used vegetable oil. Rich in oleic acid, polyunsatuated fatty acid, vitamin D, E and potein etc. can soft skin, moistuizing, impove senescence of skin, keep skin wet, pinch poe. Fo skin itching, edness, dy and acne.
2 Extemely mild, even the most delicate baby can use.
3 Get the oil fom apicot fuit by pessing, play a ole in the conditioning of acne skin. Also has the potective effect on sensitive skin.
4 It has good function of moistue and softening skin. Suitable fo the body massage.
5 Can stengthen the cells with oxygen function, eliminate fatigue and educe the accumulation of lactic acid, have an analgesic effect and educe skin iitation.
By extaction efining, etain moe tace elements, can balance the skin of ion, and emove sensitive weak phenomenon.
Steilize, pevent and educe acne, help to close up you wound quickly.
Afte cleaning the skin, take appopiate amount of oil, with the beautician techniques, gently massage then inse with wate.
- 价格说明
- 一般情况下:
- 划线价格:划线的价格可能是商品的销售指导价或该商品的曾经展示过的销售价等,并非原价,仅供参考。 未划线价格:未划线的价格是商品在中国站上的销售标价,具体的成交价格根据商品参加活动,或因用户使用优惠券等发生变化,最终以订单结算页价格为准。
- 活动预热状态下:
- 划线价格:划线的价格是商品在目前活动预热状态下的销售标价,并非原价,具体的成交价可能因用户使用优惠券等发生变化,最终以订单结算页价格为准。 未划线价格:未划线的价格可能是商品即将参加活动的活动价,仅供参考,具体活动时的成交价可能因用户使用优惠券等发生变化,最终以活动是订单结算页价格为准。